Learners Digital App

Learners Digital App


The Problem 🚫

Most of the 12th and 11th board students make silly mistakes and miss steps which results in reduced marks since every step has marks allocated in board exams.

There was a need of valuating and correcting students in every step in the process and thus resulted in creating learners Digital app.

Solution ✨

There are two categories

  • Practice
  • Assessment

Practice ✍🏻


In this section there are various skills required to solve assessment problems. All are randomly generated and students can practice n number of times.

Assessments 📖


These are various types of previous year board questions which come. After solving multiple practice questions, students can easily solve these board questions and the chances that similar type of questions repeat is more.

All the Questions completed and time is recorded which both students and the teachers can track.

Under the Hood 🌠

The Frontend app is built on Flutter which is a cross platform framework and the data comes from an API built using Express JS connected to a Mongo DB database.

Initially the latex was rendered in the client side which was through a web view package for flutter. But the performance was affected since we have multiple latex elements to display. Therefore the latex comes from the server pre rendered as an image.

My Role 👨🏻‍🚒

  • Built a remote team of talented folks who could understand the problem and work effectively.
  • Built a roadmap for an MVP and deployed it to students of 12th Standard to understand their usage and get feedback.
  • Developed Few end points like random question generator for matrices in the backend and fixed latex issues.

Few Challenges 👨🏻‍🔧

  • Figuring out latex for Flutter
  • Custom Auth

Future Plans

Currently users are using it and giving valuable feedback. Based on that we will add more features to the app.